Introduction and Contents

Initial Research

Aplin, G. (ed.) (1988)  A Difficult Infant:  Sydney Before Macquarie.  Kensington, New South Wales University Press.

Bladen, F. M. (ed.) (1893)  Historical Records of New South Wales, Vol. II - Grose and Paterson, 1793-1795.  Sydney, Charles Potter, Government Printer. 

Blackburn, D. (1935)  ‘Letters of David Blackburn’.  Royal Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings, Vol. XX, Part V, pp. 318-334.

Bonwick, J. (1882)  First Twenty Years of Australia.  Melbourne & Sydney, George Robertson.

Bradley, W. (1969)  A Voyage to New South Wales.  The Journal of Lieutenant William Bradley RN of HMS Sirius, 1786-1792.  Sydney, The Trustees of the Public Library of New South Wales in Association with Ure Smith.          

Campbell, J.F. (1925)  ‘The Dawn of Rural Settlement in Australia”. The Royal Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings,  Vol. XI, Part II, Sydney, pp. 83-134.

          (1927)  ‘Rose Hill Government Farm and the Founding of Parramatta’.  The Royal Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings, Vol. XII, Part VI, Sydney, pp. 353-377.

          (1928)  ‘Rose Hill Government Farm’. The Royal Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings , Vol. XIII, Part V, Sydney, pp. 288-291.

          (1929)  ‘Old Government House, Sydney’.  The Royal Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings, Vol. XIV, Part IV, Sydney, pp. 212-218. 

          (1933)  ‘Early Settlement on the Lower Nepean River - Penrith to the Hawkesbury River’. The Royal Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings, Vol. XVIII, Part V, Sydney, pp. 252-270.

Chisholm, A. H. (ed.) (1962)  Journal of a Voyage to New South Wales by John White.  Sydney, Angus & Robertson.

Cobley, J. (1962)  Sydney Cove 1788.  London, Hodder & Stoughton. 

            (1963)  Sydney Cove 1789-1790.  Sydney, Angus & Robertson.

            (1965)  Sydney Cove 1791-1792.  Sydney, Angus & Robertson.

            (1970)  The Crimes of the First Fleet Convicts.  Sydney, Angus & Robertson. 

Collier, J. (ed.)  An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales by David Collins.  Christchurch, Whitcombe & Tombs.

Cox, I. C. (1973)  Bennelong, first notable aboriginal.  Sydney, The Royal Australian Historical Society and the Bank of N.S.W.

Cox, W. (1901)  Memoirs of William Cox.  Sydney, Brooks.

Crittenden, V. (1981)  The Voyage of the First Fleet, 1787-1788.  Canberra, Mulini.

Easty, J. (1965)  Memorandum of the Transactions of a Voyage from England to Botany Bay, 1787-1793,  Sydney, Angus & Robertson.

Fidlon, P. G. & Ryan, R. J. (1979)  The Journal of Arthur Bowes Smyth:  Surgeon, Lady Penrhyn, 1787-1789.  Sydney, Australian Documents Library.

          (1980)  The Journal of Philip Gidley King:  Lieutenant, R. N., 1787-1790.  Sydney, Australian Documents Library. 

          (1981)  The Journal and Letters of Lt. Ralph Clark 1787-1792.  Sydney, Aust. Documents Library in association with the Library of Australian History.

Fitzhardinge, L.F. (ed.) (1979)  Sydney’s First Four Years by Captain Watkin Tench.  Sydney, Library of Australian History. 

Fletcher, B. H. (ed.) (1975)  An Account of the English Colony in New South Wales, Volume 1, by David Collins.  Sydney, Reed. 

Grassby, A. & Hill, M. (1998)  Six Australian Battlefields.  St. Leonards, Allen & Unwin.  2nd edition.

Hendy-Pooley, G.  (1903)  ‘Defenders and Defences of Australia, with Military Reminiscences’.  The Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings, Vol. I, Part VII, Sydney, pp.130 ff.

Hope-Caten, M.  (1984)  Family Research Notes:  Norfolk Chronicle, 17/7/1779, 1/7/1780, 15/7/1780, 11/8/1781, 11/1/1783.

Historical Records of New South Wales. (1892) Vol. 1, Part 2 - Phillip 1783-1792.  Sydney, Charles Polter.

Houison, A. (1903)  ‘Odd Bits in the History of Parramatta”. The Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings, Vol. I, Part VII, Sydney, pp.117-130.

Hunter, J. (1968)  An Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island.  Published London, 1792.  Adelaide, Australiana Facsimile Editions No. 148.

Hutton, R.  (1996) The Stations of the Sun, A History of the Ritual Year In Britain.  Oxford, O.U.P.

Irvine, N. & G. Souter.  The Sirius Letters.  Sydney Morning Herald, July 25-31, 1987. 

Jervis, J. (1928)  ‘The Road to Parramatta - Some Notes on its History’.  The Royal Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings, Vol. XIII, Part II,  Sydney, pp. 65-85.

 Kohen, J. (1993)  The Darug and their Neighbours.  Blacktown, Darug Link Association.

Mitchell Library, Picman Catalogue. Hassall’s Day Sales Book: A 862, pp. 184, 190, 191, 204, 267, 288, ML A 861, C Y Reel 1213.   Bonwick Transcripts:  Box 24, Bigge, J. T. Report, Appendix, p. 5257; Box 88, pp. 3, 49.  King Family Papers Vol. 1, p. 206;  Vol. 9, Further Papers, p. 49, MLA 1980-3, OY Reel 906.  Banks Papers, Vol. 22, Capt. Bligh NSW, 1806-1811, p. 3, A 85.  Wentworth Family Papers, D’Arcy Wentworth Correspondence, 1783-1803,  A 751, pp. 174, 179.  NSW Governors’ Despatches to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Vol 17, Jan-April, 1830: R. Darling’s dispatch 1830, 1206, p. 368 and Vol. 25 Aug-Dec, 1835: R. Bourke’s dispatch, 1835, 1214, p. 740.

Murray, R. & White, K. (1988)  Dharug & Dungaree.  Nth Melbourne, Hargreen,.

Norris, R. (1982)  Notes in chronological order on the First Fleeters, Anthony Rope and Elizabeth Pulley.  Family Research.  May.

Robinson, L. (1991)  Field Guide to the Native Plants of Sydney.  Kenthurst, NSW, Kangaroo.

Robinson, P. (1993)  The Women of Botany Bay.  Ringwood, Penguin.

Ryan, J. T.  (c. 1894)  Reminiscences of Australia.  Sydney, Robertson. 

Scott, J. (1963)  Remarks on a Passage to Botany Bay, 1787-1792.  Sydney, The   Trustees of the Public Library of New South Wales in Association with Angus and Robertson.

Selfe, N. (1902)  ‘A Century of Sydney Cove and The Genesis of the Circular Quay’.  The Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings, Vol. I, Part V, Sydney, pp. 69-82.

Sloan, B. P. (1993)  Convicts, Currency Folk and Change.  Family Research.

Stanbury, P. (ed.)  (1979)  10,000 Years of Sydney Life, A Guide to Archaeological Discovery.  Sydney, The Macleay Museum, The University of Sydney.

State Archives. NSW Pioneer Index 5678.  Microfish Roll, No. 2125.

          Index to Colonial Secretary’s Papers.  Fiche 3267:9/2731, p. 8;  Reel 6020; 2/8130, pp. 363-9;  Reel 6038; SZ759, p. 282;  Reel 6009; 41/3506, p. 295;  Fiche 3108, 4/1839A, No. 842, pp. 489-92;  Reel 6063 4/1785, p. 183a;  Reel 6064, 4/1787, p. 47a;  Reel 6017, 4/5782, pp. 299-301;  Fish 3266, 9/2652, p. 99.

Stockton, E.  (1993)  Blue Mountains Dreaming.  Winmalee, Three Sisters.

Summers, A. (1975)  Damned Whores and Gods Police.  Ringwood, Penguin.

Taylor, S. (1992)  Strands of Anthony Rope and Elizabeth Pulley.  Family Research.

Thomas, L. (1925)  ‘The Establishment of New South Wales in 1788’.  The Royal Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings, Vol. XI, Part II, Sydney, pp. 63-82.

Watson, J. H. (1916)  ‘The Early Fortification of Port Jackson’.  The Australian Historical Society, Journal and Proceedings, Vol. III, Part IV, Sydney, pp. 385-402.

Weidenhofer, (1973)  M. The Convict Years.  Melbourne, Lansdowne.

Worgan, G. B. (1978)  Journal of a First Fleet Surgeon.  Sydney, Library Council of New South Wales in Association with the Library of Australian History.

Yarwood, A.T. (1983)  Growing up in the First Fleet.  Kenthurst, Kangaroo.


Later research

Bursill, L (ed. Jacobs, M).  The Story of Djeebahn/Deeban,  Yowie Bay, Dharawal Publications (2012) 2017

Donaldson, M., Bursill, L., Jacobs, M. (2017) A History of Aboriginal Illawarra Vols 1 & 2.  Yowie Bay, Dharawal Publications.

Dwyer, P & Ryan. L (2016) ‘Reflections on genocide and settler colonial violence’, History Australia. 13:3, 335-350

Foley, Dennis and Read, Peter  (2020). What the Colonists Never Knew’. National Museum             of  Australia.

Gapps, Stephen. (2021) Gudyarra: The First Wiradyuri War of Resistance.  Australia, NewSouth.

(2018) The Sydney Wars: Conflict in the Early Colony 1788-1817. Australia, NewSouth.

Gibbons, Ray. 'Documents that Shaped Australian Genocide'.  Academia.

        (2015) The Australian Land War and Depopulation.

Karskens, Grace (2020).  People of the River: Lost worlds of early AUSTRALIA.  Crows Nest, Allen & Unwin. 

(2009) The Colony: A History of Early Sydney.  Crows Nest, Allen & Unwin.

Kerkhove, Ray (2014)  A Different Mode of War (SE Qld 1853-1855). Phd Thesis.

Moreton-Thomas, Trisha (2017).  Occupation: Native.  SBS On Demand -

Morrison, Jane (2012-2023)  Australian Frontier Conflicts and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Warriors.

Perkins, Rachel, creator.  (2006) First Australians series 1 Episode 1: They came to stay. A seven part series tracing First Peoples and British interaction and conflict from 1788.  The first episode focuses on the Darug (Sydney basin) and Wiradjuri (west of the Blue Mountains).

Perkins, Rachel, Director (2022).  The Australian Wars,  Episodes 1-3.  SBS on demand.

Richards, Jonathan (2012), 'Frontier Warfare in Australia'.  Academia.

Ryan, Lyndall (2013) 'Untangling Aboriginal Resistance and the settler punitive expedition:  The Hawkesbury River frontier in New South Wales, 1794 - 1810' in Journal of Genocide Research

The Arrival of the First Fleet youtube

University of Newcastle. Colonial Frontiers Massacres in Australia, 1788-1930

          Colonial Frontiers Massacres in Australia Map

Watt, Bruce (2019)  Dharawal: the first contact people.  Australia.  Watt.

11 Stories from the River Dyarubbin.  Audio walks and youtube.

The official Rope- Pulley Family Heritage Association website

Rope-Pulley Descendants for Reconciliation Facebook page.

Introduction and Contents


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