Elizabeth Pulley Sets Sail V: the fourth leg begins

Introduction and Contents Descendant: A. Maie We left Elizabeth waiting it out for a month in Cape Town. After some delay due to bad weather, ‘The Whole Fleet. Sail’d About. 2 Oclock P.M. With a Feaverable Brees.’ on 12th November to begin the last leg of their journey to Botany Bay. The two months of this leg were filled with preparations for arrival. Male convicts with a trade, such as carpentry or gardening, were moved to ‘the ‘Supply’ to have Some houses and Some Ground turned over agains the arriv[al] at Botany’. Captain Phillip joined them. the fourth leg: Cape Town to Botany Bay (drawing A. Maie) The plan was that the Supply , Alexander (which carried Anthony), Scarborough , and Friendship would go ahead of the rest of the Fleet to begin preparations. On 25 th November the forward party prepared to separate from the rest of the fleet. Lt. Clark received the orders ‘to follow the Supply and ...